Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Current State of Affairs: Degeneration and Lack of Creativity

Where do I begin? Lets see I want you to step outside and see things from the looking glass. Look at things from the outside in and then tell me what you see. Now if your a genuine sincere person you'd see a bunch of fakes, phonies, and liars. Let me start with the mainstream in particular the music industry. Just listen to the smut and garbage they spew onto the airwaves its disgusting absolutely no talent. Its all auto-tune and fake harlots and charlotennes such as Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and that gutter slut Ke$ha and speaking of Ke$ha who the hell puts a dollar sine in their name. I swear this irks me to the nth degree. Now mind you these are a attractive females but they have no talent and no substance and I'm tired of everyone admiring these bimbos. I don't wanna chavonistic but in my opinion f*** feminism a woman's place is in the kitchen not up on stage whoring herself. And what the f*** is the obsession with tryin to fit in and be accepted I'm tired of that bull. And Nas is right you got these whack rappers like Lil' Wayne who shouldn't even have a record deal this dude should be on the subway beggin for change. Oh and please don't let me get into Miley, Justin, and the Jonas bros. I think they should all be killed in a car fire no talent lame corporate cocksuckers.
F*** te mainstream and f*** the bullshit fashion THEY'RE WUSSINFIEN THE BOYS IN THIS COUNTRY. I swear wtf is up with all these mothaf***in tight jeans. Those are are designed for girls wtf is the matte with you and also those tight ass Ed hardy shirts I swear i just wanna end some of these braindead zombies. Here's a prime example:
Don't you just wanna shoot those fags with a 12 gauge shoddy. Now listen I know I'm not the first to say this about our culture. In my humble opinion I strongly believe that the 2000s decade was by far the worst decade I've lived through. From 9/11 to the banker bailouts for those rich greedy corporate wall street cocksuckers. My god they all piss me off to the umpteenth degree. Its just that I feel like when I was a child in a 1990s and Clinton was in office(the best president ever). I was genuinly happy because I ad something pure and you know what that was, a child's innocence. And as I've grown I've tried to hold on to it dearly but this fucked up world trampled on it. It broke that which I truly held sacred bliss and happiness when I had no worries and no responsibilities I could do and say anything the possibilities were endless. In fact I didn't wanna be a teenager in fact I loathe teenagers and I hate people who are teenagers today they piss me off. They're so smug and arrogant and they think they're better than you you just want a drive a screwdriver through their necks and watch them bleed to death. Ya know and they try so hard to fit in but they look so fake and you know that they buy in to the bullshit mainstream propaganda. I don't wanna get personal but I feel my brother's the same way and it pisses me off and breaks my heart that he's assimilated with them and that he undermines my authority. Tell what the f*** happened to class people have no morals and you know what forget hope these people today are hopeLESS. If you think things are gonna get better you gotta another thing comin. If you wanna fix the world your gonna have to exterminate a few vain individuals starting with the state of California LOL. Now I don't wanna sound genocidal but they're the ones who propogate the smut and filth that comes on t.v. and the in the internet. They're the ones who propogate appearance because lets not forget its all about looks today and about gettin laid everything on t.v. is about having sex they're not even being discreet about it anymore. Ya know everyones supposed to look like an anorexic just to get some attention like those dirty broads Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. Listen I hate you ok every last
iota of you phonies I despise and I hope ya'll die in nuclear fire that reigns from the heavens with GOD's mighty judgement. Just like he destroyed Sodom and Gramorrah you are the modern day equivelant and you'll pay for corrupting the youth with your hedonistic ways. And guess what the people are waking up and you think the Tea Party was bad and you try to desinfranchise them OK just watch cuz a million strong are gonna march down to L.A. and have you holier than thou Hollywood scum's head on a pike. Its gonna be like the French Revolution again baby and then we're gonna come for you corporate douchebags. Go on keep pushin us see what in fact I dare you I dare you you pieces of unholy trash.

Lately I've been listen to the late great Bill Hicks and the man is a pure genius. And I think that he was taken away from us too soon but if he was still here he'd whole heartedly agree with me.
When he was on this Earth he spoke about the decadence and overindulgence in out culture he preached about mediocrity and banality of our culture, and this was back in the 90's LOL. I don't know anymore because a part of me wants to fit in but another side says if I give in I'll lose my self, my true self my true personality and spirit. What I think my mission is to find and regain what I lost which is my pursuit of true happiness , the happiness I had as a child. Because I don't wanna keep living this way I used to be real insecure in my own skin and I've slowly but surely started to shed this feeling but I know that I have a long way to go and that when I do find my path I'll be back into the arms that care about the ones like me. Then once I find my peace then its only true justice that I help others find theirs as well and from their with true understanding can we as a species move forward. Because revolutions have been tried and tested and some cases they work. Sometimes they're violent like the American and French Revolution but they can also be peaceful like the Indian Revolution. But I think where moving into a new era where we need to forget about the collective and work on individual resolutions. Now I know the old motto "Can't we all just along" and in all honesty the I don't think the world is ready for that. For the simple fact that we are all humans yes. That's something we can agree upon but we're all different as well. The best analogy would be cars they're are different makes of cars but they all have the same form a chasis and four wheels. Much like humans a body with four limbs but like cars people have different physiques, intelligence levels, and talents. So I'd like to change that old motto to "Can't we just understand each other." Then we can probably get along. I think this is were I'm gonna end it. Well now you know my stance I'm just a guy on a quest trying to find my pursuit of happiness